This page last changed on Jun 13, 2008 by scytacki.
Do the basic server setup
This page has a script under the "Automated Script" heading for setting up the basic server:
Start the server and setup an empty repository
Now you need to start the server which will show an exception in the log. This is because there
is no repository yet. You setup the repository by going to:
That will show you a "Content Repository Setup".
Click the "Create Content Repository" button. This will make a jackrabbit folder inside of the toplevel folder
of your servlet container.
 | If you want your server to be remotely available with rmi then you may have to set the following system property to point to your servers ip address:
I haven't looked into this much so any more details on it would be helpful.
What I do know is that if you go to your servers remote access page:
you can find a url to download the rmi config file. That file is binary but inside is the ip address to the RMI server. In my case it was which wouldn't work remotely. Once I set the system property the file had the correct ip address in it. |
Shutdown the server
Shut down the server.
Add the OTrunk specific type information to the repository
Run the ConfigureRepository class in otrunk-jackrabbit/src/main/java/org.concord.otrunk.jackrabbit.test
you need to pass it a command line argument of the location of the newly created jackrabbit folder. This folder
was created by the "Create Content Repository". It should be inside of the toplevel directory of your servlet container.
There are a few ways to get the correct classpath to run this Class.
Running from Eclipse
- install the m2eclipse plugin
- check out the otrunk-jackrabbit project
- launch the ConfigureRepository class (there is not a launcher checked in for this)
Running from the shell with maven
- check out the otrunk-jackrabbit project
- build the project
- create classpath
- mvn dependency:build-classpath.
- this will print out the classpath as the last message in the build log
- run the command with the classpath plus the projects compiled classes
- java -cp "paste classpath here:target/classes" org.concord.otrunk.jackrabbit.test.ConfigureRepository "repository home directory"
Running from the shell using jnlp file
We have a few ways for turning a jnlp file into classpath which can be used on the command line.
These can be pointed at the jnlp file:
which includes all the necessary jars (plus many more) needed to run the ConfigureRepository class.
The main class of that jnlp is not ConfigureRepository so it will need to be modified.
And remember to pass in the repository home directory argument
- the jnlp2shell.jar can be used build these classpaths
- stephen has a ruby program for doing the same thing
Start the server.
Start the server
Viewing Content
You can view basic content through a web browser by going to:
This doesn't show you a nice view of the child nodes of each node. You have to know the sturcture and type in the urls.
You can use the eclipse jcr plugin and connect to the repository using the rmi method.
Dav explorer allows you to browse the repository over webdav.
However, I haven't figured out an easy way to look at the values of "properties" using davexplorer.
Of the 3 options above the eclipse jcr plugin is the best because it knows the jcr structure.